Falling apart, wall art

While walking between the Tate modern and London bridge, I came across this old piece of art in the wall. Still the this day I can’t work out whether it’s supposed to look like that for a ‘vintage’ effect or if just over time the paint has fallen away.

It’s interesting that only one half of the circle has parts missing and in some ways I prefer that side. It gives a bit of light and shade to what used to be an all white painting, another dimension if you will.

Not all art can, or should be perfect and the imperfections are what make it so eye catching.

Nothing in life is perfect

All the best


Hello, my name is… What?

These stickers always intrigue me, as they never have names on. It seems that people use it to express an opinion they have on the world or their surroundings rather than introduce themselves. This give anonymity which could help them to express true thoughts on society.

So why are these stickers still so popular when it come to graffiti? To be honest I have no idea, but is sticking this up just making the place look a mess or someone putting their stamp on the world.

It’s become accepted to put stickers on public property, yet spray painting what some may call art is still frowned upon. A sticker still defaces it, and it takes far less skill to stick it up than create something visually appealing whether you like it or not.

If you had a blank version of this sticker, what would you put?

All the best
