Day in, day out

People walk across the millennium bridge everyday to work, just thinking that it’s been so much easier since the bridge has been built. Never thinking about how it was built or who slaved over hours designing it.

Architecture is possibly a form of forgotten art. People appreciate the old, but the new is sometimes forgotten. That being said, the art of architecture has been lost somewhat, with houses all looking the same and no thought or effort being made to make people stop and look like there once was.

Art comes in many thoughts and sometimes you can forget so many of them.

Art is in the heart, the eye and the mind of the beholder. Not in the critique of the masses

All the best


Breathe in memories

This was a beautiful christmas present I got from my granny, and sadly will be the last I get. It’s strange, at the time I thought nothing of it and said thank you. But now it sits on my window ledge and I can’t bring myself to use any more of them. Not until I know where they came from and how to get more at least.

The colours in the photo are awesome, and it represents her so well, bright and sharp. She never missed a trick. Even if she pretended to.

If there was one person who could ever beat my dad at a board game, it was her. The only reason my sister and I wasn’t upset that she didn’t let us win, was because we knew our dad would lose too.

I will treasure this, possibly more than I should. I never showed her this photo as I didn’t think much of it at the time, but now I wish I did.

Don’t regret not sharing your work.

All the best


Love the skin your in

Many people want to change something about themselves, if not everyone. It’s a real shame because people should want to be true to themselves and not wants random bits of silicon inside their bodies.

Not trying to be controversial with this one, but I honestly believe that women should have more confidence in themselves and the way they look, rather than set out to change things because once they’ve changed one, there will soon be another niggle they want to sort out.

Be confident in yourself

All the best
