Red sky at night, Shepard’s delight

Living in London, you can imagine the lack of grass and trees around. Something I couldn’t understand when I first got here was the lack of grass in between the path and the road. I know it seems like such a small thing, but it’s just like missing the sea air.

Luckily I live on the outskirts of London, and my halls is next to a park. Although you can tell it’s been made smaller and smaller over the years and people have probably had to fight for it to stay.

Seeming as sunrise is too early for most students, sunset is the best way to catch the red light in the sky behind the few trees there are around. It takes just moments for a photo to change from good to amazing. A sunset is a great show of skill of knowing the right framing and timing to get that photo that people aspire to. I am no where near close to that, but I hope one day I will get that right.

When you get taught the techniques in photography, they can’t teach you passion. Wanting to get a reaction and having it as an instinct; being able to frame a photo in a blink of an eye that will last a lifetime. It takes practise, skill but most importantly it’s something you cannot think about too much.

Instinct is your best tool

All the best


Glow orb

These glow balls bring back many memories of weekends with friends as a child, messing around in a park knowing that we had the whole swing set to ourselves. Throwing glow sticks around playing catch.

I was surprised to see these on a night out, but it’s weird what sort of memories little things trigger.

The light in this photo, showing the bubbles of air that highlight the glow from the chemicals even more. It shows the darkness in life highlights the good memories.

There are many sayings that tell you that you can’t always have it good.

You wouldn’t appreciate the sun as much if it didn’t rain

All the best


Take a ride, step inside

This post goes hand in hand with one I posted earlier in the week, but not knowing what it would be like, I took this photo just before jumping inside.

As far as London transport goes, this is one of, if not the only ways people get a smile on their face from it. Yes it may be pretty pointless in day to day travel but that doesn’t matter because it never fails to bring amazement or happiness.

Sometimes you need to take some time out of busy annoying tube lines or the dlr where you always fight to get that front seat.

Step back, and enjoy every once in a while

All the best


Society gets social

So the other night, the event society held a ‘spring break’ themed night at the union bar, and it looked amazing!

The room was decorated in red, white and blue of course. There were ‘Jello shots’ which were probably a little more alcoholic than the drinks behind the bar!

Everyone that went had a great night. The ballon drop above went off a storm and the music was enjoyed by everyone. Sums the night up awesomely.

Let your hair down once in a while

All the best
